-*|OTS|*- CLAN

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-*|OTS|*- CLAN

Hello there gamers, Order Of The Slytherin is a clan that is looking for players to play for fun in ROME TOTAL WAR 1 , we are a very active clan, and always online to play. We also have a Clan Gaming Arcades 1 and 2 built for everyone to have fun.

    ABOUT US ---OTS---


    Posts : 222
    Join date : 2014-11-02
    Age : 105
    Location : London

    ABOUT US ---OTS--- Empty ABOUT US ---OTS---

    Post by -OTS-Seleucus_Nicator-CNL Wed May 13, 2015 10:13 am

    ABOUT US ---OTS--- FD494A24368FEE49448C8F2E1CBDF22D50FC8501 Last year there was a clan called ---HBG--- and it was a great clan.

    Some of our members including me used to belong to Honour Before Glory clan.
    What next happened was that no one would predict the ---HBG--- clan died.

    -So some of the old ---HBG--- clan members moved to other great clans including SIP, RV, Wolves and Heaven.

    - Some ex-HBG members  wanted to stay solo players.
    So -*|OTS|*-CNL-S.Nicator, ]*-|OTS|-* G Baroj SENATE and -|OTS|- Eragon  ex-HBG members created and founded ---OTS--- and this clan was born in 15 October 2014.

    - In February 2015 we have structured and created our hierarchy in -OTS-clan March and April we made alliances with [[[kings]]] clan and in June we became -IOW- clan allies clan also we had a good diplomacy with all clans.

    - In the month of June Dark Blade Clan had declared war on us, well we won the war, in the month of July we made a small alliance with Dark Blade Clan, under one rule one supports the other.

    - Well in July also there was a clan called Blood moon clan that had declared war on Dark Blade Clan well we done our part in war support, but Dark Blade clan leader -Kogasengaha- was not faithful to his word and left us on his own war that he created.
    - In the end Blood Moon clkan was disbanded mainly by our great clan.

    - But we never forgot what Dark Blade clan done, so we declared war based on insult of war and we crushed them and they disband and there is no more Dark Blade noob clan.

    In August -OTS- clan reached 26 fully active members in the clan.
    In 15 October 2015 we became one year old clan and active.

    - And we live to be like the great clans.

    Last edited by -OTS-Seleucus_Nicator-CNL on Sat Jan 02, 2016 10:09 pm; edited 26 times in total

    Posts : 222
    Join date : 2014-11-02
    Age : 105
    Location : London

    ABOUT US ---OTS--- Empty Re: ABOUT US ---OTS---

    Post by -OTS-Seleucus_Nicator-CNL Wed May 13, 2015 11:52 am

    ABOUT US ---OTS--- E28604728EEAF6123326BCB7AB13D54722633F27 Our main priority rules in ---OTS---

    1- Play for fun.
    2- Always respect others fellow member ---OTS---.. never fight withing ourselves.
    Member fighting other fellow OTS members could be kicked if found guilty.---OTS---.
    3- Never disrespect other RTW members in Lobbies.
    4- Help others players, even if they are in other clans because that is the way you make friends.
    5- If you are loosing in a game, let it go to the end, never end games early.

      Current date/time is Sun Oct 13, 2024 11:56 am